I have a situation, and I can't talk with my Scout guy about it because he/she doesn't listen to me. Can I send you the situation and see if you can solve it for me? Are you obligated to tell the BSA about my (our) situation or are you like a chaplain or something... once we tell you, that's it. (Name of other Scouter) told me to write to you and seek your advice, and I understand that you don't speak for the Scouts and all...but how do I know that whatever I tell you will stay between us? How would I write to you? Can I send you a regular letter instead?You are always welcome to send me ANY question, comment or concern you have about Scouting in America. I will do my best to answer you as completely, honestly and with as much information as I can provide to you. I am NOT obligated to tell ANYONE (even my wife!) about your situation, and it is for that reason when you send email to me to my AOL (America Online (tm)) email address, I am the only one reading it. Whatever you post to me will stay with me until after I'm dead and buried and forgotten about. I am NOT, however, a Chaplain: if you are engaged in something in which endangers anyone (youth or adult), I will let someone else know about it. It may not be someone in your Council, nor at National; but I will inform someone because that's an obligation I have with my Maker and myself. I agreed to do that when I entered the "answering questions" business. I do not charge for my time, or for my research (even though my wife says I should). You can send me a "snail mail letter" if you feel that email is not secure enough for you, and I will respond in the same way back. Over the past fifteen years, I have assisted more than 900 Scouters privately and only breaking confidence with two of them (and both of them were purely by accident, which I have corrected and apologized to all parties). Please do NOT send me personal mail to the same addresses in which I receive my "list mail". There is too much confusion in my possibly hitting the wrong combination of keys, sending your mail to hundreds or thousands of Scouters and Scouts accidentally. If you wish to converse with me confidentially, please send your postings to me through KYBLKEAGLE@AOL.COM (that's "Kentucky Blackeagle at AOL dot com") or BLKEAGLES@HOTMAIL.COM ("Blackeagles at Hotmail.com"). In those two ways, I am assured NOT to "forward or reply" by accident to a mailing list or group. Also, I can retrieve and answer your questions virtually anywhere I am in the world. If you wish to FAX me your question or documents or whatever, you may fax me from ANYWHERE in the United States or Canada to 1-877-278-0159 or if you are outside the United States, you can fax to 1-612-232-5887. Finally, if you want to "voice call me", you may do so by calling 1-877-278-0159 toll-free from anywhere or 1-800-843-2769 Extension 13013 during the day. Those are MY NUMBERS, and DO NOT BELONG TO THE BSA nor any organization inside or associated with the BSA. I pay for them from our family's funds or use them as part of my public affairs work, and nobody else has access to those boxes to hear your calls or concerns (they are all password protected). So you can call, fax, or email in complete confidence. And in advance, THANK YOU for asking me to be of service to you and to help you solve your question, issue, or problem.
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